The Arists

Baka Beyond

We are so thrilled that Baka Beyond are this year’s headline act. Originally inspired by the music of the Baka Forest People, Pygmies whose music and dance have been celebrated since the time of the Pharaohs, Baka Beyond use the Baka rhythms to fuse music from the band-members’ Celtic and African roots. The resultant music is highly infectious and crosses boundaries of genre, age and ethnicity.
Rydan ni wrth ein boddau bod Baka Beyond yw ein prif grŵp eleni. Wedi ’u hysbrydoli’n wreiddiol gan gerddoriaeth bobl Coedwig Baka, Pygmies sydd wedi dathlu eu cerddoriaeth ers cyfnod y Pharo. Mae Baka Beyond yn defnyddio rhythmau Baka i gyfuno cerddoriaeth o gefndiroedd Affricanaidd a Cheltaidd aelodau’r band. Fel canlyniad mae’r cerddoriaeth yn heintus iawn, gan groesi ffiniau genre, oed ac ethnigrwydd.

Banda Bacana

Banda Bacana are a 9 piece outfit from North Wales who have a talent for getting people off their seats and onto the dance floor. Their groove based music has a wide range of influences from Latin, Jazz, Afro Beat, Funk and Caribbean, and their tunes have a distinct driving beat interlaced with beautiful vocal and sax harmonies, percussive flare and weaving guitar and bass patterns.
Mae Banda Bacana yn grŵp 9-darn o ogledd Cymru sydd â dawn am gael pawb oddi ar eu seddi i ddawnsio. Mae gan eu cerddoriaeth groove gyda dylanwadau o Ladin, Jazz, Affro Beat, Funk a’r Caribî. Mae gan eu halawon curiad grymus unigryw wedi’u cymysgu gyda llais hyfryd a harmonia sacs, bît fflamychol sy’n gweu gyda phatrymau gitâr a bâs.

Cowbois Celtaidd

Think of the Pouges meet the levellers at Woodstock and bond over a shared love for Bob Marley.


The spirit of the ‘swing’ era of the 1940s in North Wales! The acoustic trio brings alive the spirit of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli- the classy sound of acoustic jazz, from foot-tapping classics of the swing era to more modern tunes given the Manouche treatment. Dance if you want; or just get transported to the evocative era of Art Deco.
Mae’n triawd acwstig yn ailgreu ysbryd Django Reinhardt a Stephane Grappelli – sain glasurol jaz acwstig, mae pob dim o glasuron hudolus cyfnod y swing i alawon mwy modern yn derbyn y driniaeth Manouche. Dawnsiwch os ydych yn dymuno, neu gadewch i ni eich cludo’n ôl i gyfnod lledrithiol Art Deco.


North Wales’ funkiest tropical ensemble have developed an exciting live show of original music over their many years together. Playing at festivals across the UK and Europe and having supported a number of legends on the scene such as Tony Allen and Quantic. Drawing on a love of Colombian, French Caribbean and African music they create a unique sound that crosses styles and borders.
Mae grŵp trofannol mwyaf ffynci gogledd Cymru wedi datblygu sioe byw cyffroes o gerddoriaeth wreiddiol dros y blynyddoedd. Yn chwarae mewn gwyliau ar draws ynysoedd Prydain ac Ewrop ac wedi cefnogi nifer o fawrion y sîn fel Tony Allen ac Quantic. Wedi’u hysbrydoli gan eu cariad at gerddoriaeth Colombia, y Caribî Ffrengig ac Affrica, maen nhw’n creu sŵn unigryw sydd yn croesi genres a ffiniau.

Eve Goodman

Eve Goodman writes songs from the heart; here is a young woman who transmutes the personal into the universal. After her degree in Literature, Eve left the city to live in a cabin on a Cornish farm, where she wrote and recorded her first EP, Low Sun. In her current writing, Eve explores the territory of grief and rising up from the wasteland of loss after losing her father. Against the pain, Eve offers the quiet harmony of a voice who is finding joy again. If you sit, listen and wait, this beautifully crafted new folk light, will unveil earth, soul and a deep connection to what it is to be human in these troubled, inspiring times.
Mae Eve Goodman yn ysgrifennu o’r galon; dyma ferch ifanc sydd yn cyfuno’r personol a’r byd mawr. Ar ôl ei gradd mewn llenyddiaeth, gadawodd Eve y ddinas i fyw mewn cwt ar fferm yng Nghernyw, ble ysgrifennodd ei EP cyntaf, Low Sun. Yn ei chyfansoddiadau diweddaraf, mae Eve yn edrych ar thema galaru ac yn dygymod ag ail-godi oddi ar anialdir profedigaeth wedi colli ei thad. Yn erbyn y poen, mae Eve yn cynnig harmoni distaw llais sydd yn ail ddarganfod llawenydd. Os yn eistedd, gwrando ac yn aros, bydd goleuni newydd yn datgelu enaid, tir a chysylltiad agos i ystyr ddynoliaeth yn y byd trafferthus, ysbrydoledig sydd ohoni.

Freedom Sound System and Friends (Racubah, DJ FoWax, DJ Flyffilyfbybl, DJ Badly & Ska Beat Soul)

Freedom Soundsystem have been smashing dancehall across North Wales and beyond with their handbuilt soundystem and an explosive selection of fresh new releases, old roots classics, and explosive dubplate specials.

Hannah Willwood

Hannah is a 21 year old singer/songwriter from Snowdonia, now based in Leeds, exhibiting a unique blend of folk, jazz and indie. Her influences stem from the likes of Laura Marling and Lianne La Havas. Now studying Songwriting at Leeds College of Music, she is currently working towards a single and EP release.

Hedge Gods

Hedge Gods are a high energy dance band from North Wales, whose sound is a witches’ brew of contemporary and traditional sounds, with a sprinkle of weirdness and bucketfuls of rhythm.
Band dawns egniol o Ogledd Cymru yw’r Hedge Gods, mae eu sain yn lobscows o synau cyfredol a thraddodiadol, gyda sbrencian o hynodrwydd a llond trol o rythmau.

Jonny Steele

Impro vocalist and guitarist who involves the crowd. Beautiful guitar and inspiring lyrics.
Canwr impromptu a gitarydd sy’n cynnwys y dorf yn ei waith. Swn gitar hyfryd a cherddi sy’n ysbrydoli.


Freak folk outfit Mamatung bring a sprinkling of scouse ceremony with a journey to the centre of the heart. A set entwined with spirited melodies, chants, serendipitous harmonies and a magical mixture of musical instruments.

Martin & Henry

Featuring Martin Daws

Ram Ram

Up beat dance friendly fusion of reggae,ska,funk,original tunes wiv the odd cover thrown in.

Thernody Choir

Songs for all the seasons of life - weddings, funerals, parties, - and Christmas!
Caneuon ar gyfer pob un o dymhorau bywyd - priodau, angladdau, dathliadau - ac Nadolig!