
Creative Family Dance
Creative family dance with Jules from Feel Good Company, (Teimlo’n DDA Cwmni)

African Link Drumming

Singing from the Soul
Singing in our western culture has become very focussed on performance and judgement, which means that most people are nervous to sing in front of others. But singing ought to be less about the noise we make, and more about the JOY WE FEEL singing when we are relaxed, happy and not self-conscious. If you can laugh you can sing, so come and enjoy yourself!
Yn y Gorllewin, mae’r ffocws o amgylch ganu yn ganolbwyntio ar performiad a Barnu. Oherwydd hyn mae llawer o pobl yn teimlo’n nerfus i ganu o flaen pobl eraill. Ond ddylai canu fod yn llai am dan syt mae’n swnio ac yn fwy am dan y llawenydd rydm yn teimlo pan gallwn canu mewn fordd hamddenol, mewn hapusrwydd heb teimlo’n hunan ymwybodol. Os gallwch chwerthyn, gallwch canu felly dewch i mwynhewch eich hun!

